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Take Verification Photos

Take verification photos to show your client that the property is staged to their standards and ready for guests to arrive.

Jefferson Hernandez avatar
Written by Jefferson Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

Why Take Verification Photos?

Your client can ask you to send a verification photo of any task you complete using the Properly app. Good verification photos help you and your client keep a track record of the property’s cleanliness and preparedness for each guest.

If a guest complains that the beds weren’t made when they arrived, for example, your client will know that this isn’t true - because they have photos of the perfectly made beds you sent when you completed the task.

Also, if there's damage done to the property, verification photos can help the client figure out when it occurred and recoup the cost of that damage from the guest who caused it. By reviewing previous verification photos, they’ll know when an item went missing or got broken.

NOTE: To ensure verification photos present the actual after-cleaning state, you cannot upload them from the phone gallery or the photo roll. All verification photos are made in real-time.

When to Take a Verification Photo

If your client has requested a verification photo of a completed task from a checklist, a camera icon will show up to its left.

Taking a Verification Photo

  1. Tap the camera button to the right of the task.

NOTE: Make sure to give Properly access to your phone's camera.

2. Take the required photo, then click the checkmark to verify that this is the photo you want to use.

Taking Good Verification Photos

To get the best use of verification photos:

  1. Make sure there’s enough light to take a clear photo.

  2. Take the photo from the same vantage point as the reference photo.

    • Ex. If you take a photo from the doorway, but the client took the original photo from the foot of the bed, it can be difficult to determine whether the room looks the same from photo to photo.

  3. A photo of a task –like running the dishwasher or returning keys to a lockbox– should demonstrate the task's completion.

    • Take a photo of the lights on the panel that show the dishwasher is running.

    • Snap a picture of the keys inside the lockbox rather than the lockbox after it’s been closed with the keys inside.

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