Sometimes, cleaners incur expenses or spend extra time at a property beyond what the job "contract" specified. The three types of extras a cleaner can record are Extra Time, Expenses, and Mileage.
Mileage: Mileage can be tracked and recorded if your employer or customer reimburses for mileage.
Extra time: Track and record additional time spent on the property for extra cleaning or maintenance that was required (e.g. an exceptionally messy guest).
Expenses: Cleaners or other property care team members sometimes pay for items such as guest amenities or other property supplies for reimbursement.
Add Extra Cost/Time to Job
Tap the vertical dots icon on the top right of the navigation bar.
Choose "Add Cost/Time" from the menu.
3. Tap the + sign in the bottom right and select the type of extra cost you want to record.
Add Extra Cost Example: Mileage
Follow the above steps, select "Mileage."
2. Enter your mileage and details about the expense. If applicable, you can add a photo.
3. When you've completed the form, click "Save."
4. Your mileage will now show up on the "Cost/Time" page.
5. To add another expense, tap the +.
6. To return to the job, click the back arrow.
Add Extra Cost Example: Time
Select "Time" and click "Add."
2. Enter the time and duration of extra time"
3. Enter details about the expense. If applicable, you can add a photo. When you've completed the form, click "Save."
Add Extra Cost Example: Cost
Select "Cost."
2. Enter the cost. Enter details about the cost. If applicable, you can add a photo.
3. When you've completed the form, click "Save."