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AutoScheduling Jobs - FAQ's
Jefferson Hernandez avatar
Written by Jefferson Hernandez
Updated over a week ago

Here, we aim to address the most common inquiries regarding our AutoScheduler feature. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about AutoScheduler:

  1. What happens if the assigned service provider is removed from the host contact list?
    - AutoScheduler will not be able to send or resend the job. Host will get notified in this case

  2. What happens if the checklist associated with the auto scheduled job is deleted from the property?
    - Job will still be sent as a job without a checklist

  3. What will happen to the auto-jobs if AutoScheduler is deleted?
    - When you delete an AutoScheduler, all associated jobs will be removed. However, any jobs already sent using the AutoScheduler will remain unaffected.

  4. I created an AutoScheduler with “additional cleaners” - why do I not see the additional cleaners in jobs that were scheduled by it?
    - In Scheduled to send it will show only the primary cleaners, to view the additional cleaners you can navigate to AutoScheduler tab and then click on Pencil icon to see the Additional cleaners under Service provider.

  5. Can I change additional cleaners?
    - Of course, Additional cleaners can be removed or added from the AutoScheduler edit option before the job is dispatched to service providers.

  6. If I received a booking in the past, with a check in in the future, and I create an AutoScheduler today, will it create the job or not?
    - Definitely, you can create the job either at checkin or check out even if you have already ready received the booking in past

  7. If I remove the reminders which were already set on my account, will it affect my auto scheduling set on my properties.?
    - Absolutely No, in fact we suggest to remove the reminders as it might create confusion

  8. How does the relative checkout/checkin scheduling mode work?
    - In the calendar, on the gray bar you see the standard checkin/checkout time, based on that time if you set start job hours to “x” hours, the job start time would be based on it. For eg. Checkout time is 2pm and start job is set to 2 hours after, then your job start time will be 4pm. If you change the checkin/checkout time in the PMS, the job start time will change accordingly.

  9. Why there are 2 separate auto jobs created for the same booking?
    - Because you have added property iCals and also you have direct integration with the same PMS. You can remove the property iCal.

  10. Why each day our cleaners getting jobs. We need a cleaner to clean only when guests check out.
    - The reason for this is your properties are connected with Airbnb iCals and the issue here is every Blocked/Reserved is treated as booking and it sends out the job. To prevent this use Direct Airbnb integration.

  11. Can I schedule auto jobs to multiple cleaners?
    - Yes, you can add multiple primary and additional cleaners in the same job. However, there will be only one primary cleaner or one additional cleaner accepting the job on first see first accept rule.

  12. How do I turn off the auto scheduler?
    - From left navigation bar in AutoScheduler tab, you will find toggle on/off in the AutoScheduler row. Just toggle it off and it will disable the AutoScheduler for that property

  13. Any changes made to the AutoScheduler will it reflect in the jobs Scheduled to Send?
    - Yes, the changes will be overwritten to the jobs yet to send.

  14. Any changes made to the AutoScheduler related to resend will it reflect in the Resend jobs?
    - Yes, any changes made to AutoScheduler regarding Resend after the Scheduled to send job is sent , those changes will reflect in the Resend jobs.

  15. Any changes made to AutoScheduler after the job is resend will it reflect in the already sent jobs?
    - No, the changes will not flow into the job which is already sent and resend.

  16. Can I retrieve the job which was deleted in error?
    - No, Once the job is deleted the action cannot be reversed.

  17. I created the AutoScheduler and I do see the jobs in the list view but no cleaner has yet accepted the jobs.
    - Because the job is yet to dispatch to the cleaners, in the list view they are Scheduled to Send but not sent yet. In Time to Schedule send we can see when the job will get dispatched.

  18. What if I toggle off the AutoScheduler, so will it send the jobs which are already in the Scheduled to Send queue?
    - No, as soon as you toggle off the AutoScheduler, jobs from the Scheduled to send queue will not be sent. However, this will be possible once we release our version V2 of AutoScheduler.

As we continue to enhance and refine AutoScheduler, we'll keep updating this section with the latest information and insights to ensure you have all the answers you need.

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