Fill out a job request form to let your Service Provider know what you’ll need them to do. You can access the form in the Calendar, Contacts, and Properties sections or the Checklist Library.
If you send a job request from your Calendar or “Properties” section, the form’s “Property” field will auto-populate with the property you’ve chosen.
If you send a job request from your “Contacts” section, the form’s “Service Provider” field will auto-populate.
If you send a job request from your Checklist Library, the form’s “Task/Checklist” field will auto-populate.
Fill Out The Job Request
Before you can send a job request, you’ll need to fill out the following four fields (at a minimum):
Service Provider
You can also choose to include:
A job type/title
An offered price (the price you’re offering the service provider to perform the job)
A description
Form Fields Explained
Job Type/Title
Choose an option from the drop-down menu.
You can add a title to help you remember the specific details of this job.
Select the property for the job (if it isn’t already selected.)
Property Details
If you’ve already filled out the Property Details for the property you’ve selected, these fields will automatically populate.
If you haven’t yet filled out the Property Details for this property (or if you’d like to add extra instructions for this job):
Then, click the "Properties" icon in the navigation menu and select the property.
Open the Property Detail tab in the property menu bar.
Click the small pen icon in the lower right-hand corner of each field to enter (and edit) text.
Choose Checklist/Required Skills
If you’d like to include a checklist with the request, choose one from the property’s existing checklists, or browse through the Checklist Library.
You can also ask your Service Provider to complete certain skill checklists before the job.
Set Duration
Indicate how long it should take to complete the job. You may already know how long it will take, or you might need to give your best estimate.
Start Time or “Start After/Finish Before” Time
If you need your Service Provider to work within a specific window of time, select “Fixed Time” and set the job time and date.
If you have more room in your schedule for this job, you can assign it a “Flexible Time.”
Enter a “Start After” time and date, as well as a “Finish Before” time and date (ex. Complete this one-hour job anytime between 6 a.m. and 1 p.m.)
Service Provider
Pick the Service Provider to whom you’d like to send the request.
You can also send the request to multiple Service Providers if you prefer.
Offered Price
While you don’t need to include a price, Service Providers are much more likely to accept your job request if you specify the pay.
Though it’s not necessary to include a message, it can be a convenient way to send additional job details to your Service Provider (ex. “This is an early check-in, so there’s no flexibility about the job end time.”)
Send Job Request
Once you’ve filled in all of the necessary fields, the button “Send Job Request” will change color and become clickable. Whenever you’re ready, click “Send.”