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Creating a checklist from templates

Create any checklist from best-practice templates in minutes using Properly's modular checklist templates.

Alex Nigg avatar
Written by Alex Nigg
Updated over a week ago


View a 3 minute video showing how to create Checklists from modular Templates below.

  • Checklist modules allow you to build any type of checklist: Turnover, Inspection, Maintenance, Meet & Greet...

  • Build your checklists based on the layout of your property: number of bedrooms, bathrooms, other rooms, and how those rooms flow in a sequence (Chapters)

  • Customize Rooms (Things and Tasks): add a Dishwasher, a Microwave, a TV, and decide whether you'd like to leave fresh towels in the bedroom or the bathroom

Getting started

  • Navigate to "Property" in the Main Menu, then choose a Property (if you haven't added Properties yet, Add a Property first)

  • Tap on Checklists, and Add a New Checklist

Building your Checklist

  • Find your Templates in the lower panel ( 1 ); they are organized by (C)hapters, (T)hings and Tasks and E(X)tras

  • View what's in a template by tapping the "Preview" button ( 2 )

  • Once you tap on template, they appear in the upper panel; this is your checklist. You can add templates as often as you'd like (eg tap three times if you have three bedrooms.

Editing your Checklist

  • To delete a template from your checklist, tap it again

  • To move modules, drag them

  • E(X)tras are tasks that are usually not completed for each turn; use them to build deep clean checklists, or add them on a case by case basis when you Send a Job

Saving your Checklist

  • Tap "Next" to build your finished checklist

  • Review your new checklist by swiping left

  • Tap "Save" to see an Overview

Finishing off

  • Rename your Checklist tapping (...)


Video: Creating a checklist from best-practice templates

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