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How to connect your Hostfully account to Properly.

Written by Sarah Quimno
Updated over a week ago

The Hostfully integration is started from within your Hostfully account.

1. Please log in to your Hostfully account

2. Select Integrations in the drop down menu from your profile

3. Scroll down to find Properly

4. Enable Properly, like shown in the screenshot below

5. Click the link “Properly management console” to go directly to your Properly account.

Important note: To run the integration you need your Hostfully Agency UID. You can find your Agency UID within your Hostfully account. At the bottom of the Agency Settings page you'll find the Agency UID.

How To Connect Hostfully to Properly

1. Click on settings (last tab on the left)

2. Select Connected Accounts

3. Find Hostfully

4. Click Connect on the right

5. Enter your Agency UID on the next page

6. Click connect account

Now your properties, listings photos and bookings will be imported into Properly.

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