View Completed Jobs

Great news - a new client has hired you twice in a row. Check your completed jobs to see their feedback from last time.

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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Your ranking in the Properly Marketplace depends on the quality of your work and the percentage of jobs you’ve fully completed, among other factors. To see if you’ve completed all tasks for your previous jobs, you can check the History tab. 

View completed jobs in History tab

To see your job history, tap the Jobs tab and then tap History.

You’ll see a list of your completed jobs with icons showing the status next to each. 

A job that you’ve completed all tasks on will look like this: 

Jobs that you completed all tasks on but reported problems for will look like this: 

Jobs that you completed all tasks on and received feedback for will look like this: 

A job for which you did not complete all the tasks will look like this: 

Jobs that you finish without completing all tasks will affect your ranking in the Properly marketplace, so be sure to always finish all tasks! 

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